Because I know you guys check the blog every single day I wanna' keep ya'll up to speed on a brand new Lupe Mixtape. It was actually sent out yesterday (which was Lady Trace-Y's Birthday, I accept PayPal FYI.) And now you can spend your journeys traveling back to school after the holidays jammin' to Mr.Fiasco, compliments of BVR.

Lupe Fiasco - Enemy Of The State (A Love Story)
[Artwork credit goes to Shake of (2)DopeBoys. He [and BVR] kinda felt the original artwork was lacking... you'll see when you download the tape. Feel free to come back and cop the better artwork later ;)]
[Artwork credit goes to Shake of (2)DopeBoys. He [and BVR] kinda felt the original artwork was lacking... you'll see when you download the tape. Feel free to come back and cop the better artwork later ;)]
*BTDUBS* I don't know how many of ya'll are fans but... Lupe's dropping another mixtape called Friend of the People on Christmas. [funny because all of this is coming before LASERS which was supposed to be his last album (remember lupEND anyone?). Now he's shitting music everywhere. *shrugs*] So... go ahead and start anticipating it.
-[|| Lady Trace -Y ||]-
Just to update your curiosity about the number of albums he's planning on putting out Trace-Y, Lupe was recently quoted in an interview pertaining to his displeasure about yet again being left of off MTV's Hottest MC's in the Game list (someone actually cares about that B.S.?). He said he's out to prove that he's "better than all of them" and that it doens't matter how long it takes, he's gonna keep releasing music until people get the picture. Whether it's lyrically, conceptually, even fashionably, Lupe is tryin' to take down every other rapper. And he also made it a point to use other people's instrumentals... basically saying he can go harder on them. I just think it's funny he's used Fireman by Lil' Wayne as opposed to any of his later stuff.