Thursday, July 2, 2009

OFFICIAL VIDEO: Drake-Best I Ever Had

So, Kanye West makes his directorial debut on Drake's smash hit, "Best I Ever Had." Although the visual content seems a little controversial, Drake apparently has a justified theme to go with the vid (Google some interviews to see what he has to say for himself). Hope you like sports...



  1. wow...wanted to say that i like the radio show. i kind of miss nate-nose-drizzle and hoodrat hennipher, you all should bring those charaters back. i also wanted to say that kanye west directs ALL of his videos so this isnt his debut. whoops ATM. but the point remains that drake is the man.


  2. Well I don't know about Nate Nose Drizzle [name makes me think of Nyquil] but who knows, maybe he'll stop by for a visit later in the season. Hoodrat Hennipher is back as Artemis J. Yeah she pulled a Puff Daddy/P.Diddy/Diddy but is back and better than ever. Glad you're a fan and keep tuning in. Much love snaps for your correction and two cents.
