Friday, July 3, 2009


Ever thought about how ROUGH this upcoming academic year is going to be? Afraid of waking of up in the morning knowing NOTHING that day will bring you happiness? Don't know what kind of music you SHOULD be listening to?

Don't fret, do not fear, BLUE VINYL is coming, heard from a pair speakers near YOU!

It's ya' boy Grandmaster Benji also known in the web as Harlemz Elite or through the airwaves as Benjamin Button. I am here to tell you that this blog is only the beginning of the revolution that we will begin. Our radio show Blue Vinyl will be beginning this fall, connecting you with the most random, hilarious, witty radio hosts ever heard to introduce you to music that is both new and old. We'll put you on to the hottest tracks and take you to the past with some old school joints. We are as original as we also are, as my boy KB put it, raw. This is only the beginning. We'll soon fill you in on our next project, our sketch comedy show, MINORITY REPORT. Our blog is still undergoing construction; I'll be decking it out with some of my artwork and ish. Until then, feel free to show love, drop a comment, and/or follow us. Over and out.

([ Grandmaster Benji ])

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