Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ATM Says...

So, I'm bored and it's summer vacation so that means I'm going to do a lot of random ish... Kinda like ranting about why Yung Berg ("Sexy Can I" feat. Ray J) should end his "career"... TODAY!

First of all, when you have random dudes who claim to be rappers wearing your chain and letting the world know about it while you sit around trying to eat off of one unsuccessful album, you should be doing some career management. And I'll give it to the dude, the album wasn't even that bad (commerically/from a mainstream angle) but you're label hated you so much they delayed the project for more than a year. QUIT NOW!

Oh, and here's another no-name rapper (who seems to be in the same clique as Wiz Khalifa) rockin' your shit. I'd shake my head but maybe all of this unintentional press will get your ass out of the ditch we now identify as your resume.


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