Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Connect: Straight No Chaser

[click the album art to download]

Yoyoyo flyboyz and cybergirls, it's ya boi KB bringin' you THE CONNECT. This time around we got the overseas creaper MR. HUNDSON’s 2nd album entitle ‘Straight No Chaser’. Now believe you me, no one knew who this white haired marcher-to-his-own-drum was till he cosigned on the Kanye 808 track ‘Paranoid’. Then him and Ye hit us up with ‘Supernova’. SO now is the moment of truth… can he live up to the dopeness provided in those two tracks. [I say maybe because I love his jam WHITE LIES.] So take your free music, tell everybody that you know about it and where you got it… heres some visuals while you wait for the music to download.

Welp... that is all for now. BRING YO ASS BACK LATER?!?! k?




  1. that should read "DON'T click the album art to download... because you'll feel stupid if you do"


  2. I agree. I'll fix it myself.

    On another note, this album goes HARD.
