YOyoyo whats good cyborgs and cybergirls. Ya boi KB reporting live from and undisclosed location here to tell you that the moment of truth is almost among us. J-muthaf*ckin-K. but seriously, after what has been just about a year, i [SIMILE] am releasing the follow up to the 2008 project BLACK TUESDAY entitled THINGS LEFT UNSAID. it is an exploration into the mind of ya boi KB, a place very Few people get to travel to. Honestly, if u have ever met me you would know i am a man of very few words. well this project here is all the things i never cared to say aloud. Exclusively produced by myself and Baldwin Tang of The DownBeat Keys, THINGS LEFT UNSAID is a very intimate head bangger. It has an early 90's feel with splashed of futuristic production. i am joined by the likes of ATM, EK, MAGNIFICENT LORENZO, FLOW, and XV on this creative effort. the only catch is i am only releasing 25 copies. thats right. THIS IS LIMITED EDITION BABY. but don't worry, if u follow BVR [blue vinyl radio], then i got you. hit me up via facebook or aim and i can set u aside a copy [maybe even for free]. THINGS LEFT UNSAID will be available Aug 18 for $5. Make sure you cop this joint right here. i promise there is something on it for everyone. welp that is all for me right now. this is ya boi KB...over and outtie.
If Looks Could Kill - Simile
If Looks Could Kill - Simile
So I have listened to some of your music on jennifers i pod I am sure you hear this alot but you are very talented. Not only are the lyrics genuine and raw, but the music is well thought out and they compliment each other. you didnt just settle for a sick ass beat. kudos